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October 18, 2023
Oct 18, 2023

TSAR at EMRS 2023 Fall Meeting in Warsaw

TSAR members have recently co-organized a symposium entitled: “Topological textures in antiferroic and ferroic materials” which has been held at the EMRS fall meeting from September 18th to 21st 2023. Adopting the samephilosophy as the TSAR project, this symposium had the main objective to gather the scientists from two large and active communities (magnetism / ferroelectrics) to share their approaches and view points on the physics of these fascinating topological ferroic textures. With 20 invited and 34 contributed presentations, this symposium has been a clear success.  

Additionnaly, TSAR has sponsored the SymposiumX session on Topological textures in antiferroic and ferroic materials andthree presentation were rewarded :

-       1st Prize, Kristina Holsgrove, Queen's University Belfast, “Insitu characterisation of ephemeral p-n Junctions inside ferroelectric domainwalls”

-       2nd Prize, Arthur Chaudron, UnitéMixte de Physique CNRS-Thales, “Design and control of topological polarnanotextures in multiferroic BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films”

-       3rd Prize, Cosme Milesi-Brault, Institute of Physics in the Czech Academy ofSciences (FZU), “Antiferroelectric till next time: Raman and dielectricspectroscopy of PbZrO₃”

From left to right: Cosme Milesi-Brault, Arthur Chaudron, Jack Harrison (winner of the EMRS symposium award)

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